Available puppies born October 25th, 2024:
We have 2 males and 1 female!
They have their 2nd vaccinations, are dewormed, microchipped, started on potty training and leash training. They are CKC registered and sold with a non-breeding agreement.
You can contact us to be on the list for future litters as well.
Only one litter is born per year on our ranch. During the eight weeks here, they are socialized with other animals, dogs, and people and receive their first vaccinations and microchips. Each pup comes with a non-breeding agreement and registration with the CKC. They are sold on a spray/neuter contract. Their parents are registered with the C.K.C and their pedigrees are well known from proven kennels.
We expose our puppies to many things when they are young so that when they enter your home, they are prepared for the noises (vacuum, tv, machinery, etc.), other pets (cats, etc.), and for the handling (nail clipping, vet handling, children playing, etc). We expose our puppies to many smells, sights, and sounds to accustom them to their new home. Most importantly, we give our puppies lots of love so that they are always positive and happy. This gives them a strong start in their social life with humans.
We are located in the interior of British Columbia but are willing to travel to some extent to deliver puppies. If necessary, we also have the option to fly your puppy on the airplane to your nearest airport. The airlines have improved their pet policies and the pups are well taken care of on their travels in the air. The puppies health, safety, and comfort are most important to us and we always make sure that we choose the best form of travel for the puppies to get to their new homes.
Contact Northernwhites Shepherds:
phone: 250-791-6398
email: chblakefarm@outlook.com
phone: 250-791-6398
email: chblakefarm@outlook.com